Community Calendar
What's happening?
Meet Van Luong, volunteered Community Animator!
The Rural Mental Health Project is designed to support rural and remote communities in Alberta to improve mental health and wellbeing by building local teams and taking actions together. Van will act as a local leader to bring people together, spark conversations and guide projects that create positive change.
In 2024, the Rural Mental Health Project empowered local action teams to lead community projects by providing $597,000 in funding. Community Animators facilitated these initiatives.
Together, Let’s Cultivate a Thriving Mind. Unleash the Power of Our Community. Share your project ideas to enhance community mental wellness
Van Luong Email:
Phone: 403 837 0638
The Rural Mental Health Project Https://
Celebrate the famous Bard, Robbie Burns
1st Annual Robbie Burns Night
Friday, January 24, 2025
Silver Willow Senior Citizens Centre Torrington
Dinner and Entertainment
Haggis, Roast Beef, Turnips, Potatoes, Peas, Scones, and Tablet
Limited Seating – get your tickets now
$35/person; $60/couple
Dinner at 5pm
Tickets available from Susan MacKenzie
Sponsored by Kneehill County
Hamlet Happenings