Trinity Lutheran Church

On July 3, 1955 Zion and Good Hope churches amalgamated to become the present Trinity Lutheran Church. 

In 1995, Pastor Nicholas Wagylowich became the current, and beloved, pastor. The same year that Trinity Lutheran Church celebrated its 60th Anniversary, Pastor Nick celebrated his 20th year of Ordination. 

The office is used for confirmation classes & Bible studies. The 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month is a time of sharing and good food after the service. The 2nd and 4th Sundays are Communion Sundays, while Bible Studies are held on Tues or Wed evenings through the school year. The church sponsors Vacation Bible School, as well as many other worthwhile activities and organizations. 

Services are at 11am Sunday. 

For more info about us and our ministry, call 403-631-3773.